An apartment building I should move into yet didn't on the grounds that they have me some unacceptable condo
An apartment building I should move into yet didn't on the grounds that they have me some unacceptable condo (should be remodeled and they gave me an old shoddy one) and they didn't have any longer redesigned ones accessible is stonewalling me about getting back my store and lease that I paid. I additionally needed to pay cash for a lodging and pay more to keep the moving truck I leased longer since I had no what other place to go (I moved to another state where I have no family or companions) They said they would send me a check via the post office and I presently can't seem to get it. This has been happening since the finish of September of last year, what would I be able to do lawfully to get my cash back for my store and lease since they are stonewalling me?