I have an inquiry regarding a house I own in Ny state with great occupants. My oil organization sent a person to see about my old oil tank and conceivably give me a gauge to supplant it
I have an inquiry regarding a house I own in Ny state with great occupants. My oil organization sent a person to see about my old oil tank and conceivably give me a gauge to supplant it. He went to the house, checked it, said the oil tank was on wood squares and should have been on concrete to support it. I chose to get gauges for another tank and my occupant said, the organization had come out, made a couple of changes and filled the tank! The following not many days, the oil all leaked out from a release and presently the oil is completely spilled into the dirt. Who is monetarily liable for the cleanup? I'm so particularly enraged as I planned to supplant the tank prior to filling it once more. Do I have a claim against this organization? The spill was accounted for to DEC and its in Ny state. Additionally my inhabitant let me know the conveyance fellow said the tank was fine for oil conveyance after the past individual had said it was not. Would it be advisable for me to get an attorney and call the better business agency in the event that they don't perceive their carelessness?