So Thursday legal advisors in Pennsylvania out on this page I have an inquiry question. A relative of mine had a cardiovascular failure and is in the medical clinic his general legal.
So Thursday legal advisors in Pennsylvania out on this page I have an inquiry question. A relative of mine had a cardiovascular failure and is in the medical clinic his general legal authority went before an adjudicator and lied and said that he assaulted her after she incite him which then, at that point, caused the coronary episode. For's taken his cash his vehicle and his home in the PFA she actually attempting to control what befalls him therapeutically would she be able to do that with the PFA that she set on him? He is alright and alert and had let us know what truly occurred. I don't need him to free all that all he needs is his truck and his financial balance. How do my family get this for him when at the present time nobudy can get close to him he can converse with my mother at the present time. She is protected individual and the specialist said just her. Any counsel would help