Welcome to the Free Legal Advice website, I need some advice on civil litigation in Tennessee

 Welcome to the Free Legal Advice website, I need some advice on civil litigation in Tennessee.

Our wedding videographer never delivered the video and did not respond to our refund requests. We took him to court last year and got our money back. In fact, we asked for the footage, not a refund, but the videographer claimed he lost the footage and the judge said he couldn't force it anyway, so we got a judgment. After about six months of not getting any payments, we came back and filed a hold on pay. Then we find out he quit his job and is now self employed, so we can't accept his wages.

At this point, we have spent hundreds of court fees and I don't want to keep filing judgments and deadlocks. It's been three years since we gave him the money he now owes us. I'm pregnant and we work full time, we can't chase him forever but at this point it's more about principle than money. We didn't get a wedding video and lost about $3,000.

What can we try next?

note. - I contacted several legal groups and was rejected because my case was too small. Please answer

1 comment

  1. Post this and all the legal evidence you never got in every fb groups in your area he can't sue you because it's a consumer's right he just has to stick to facts not feelings you may never get 3k again but he'll also take a financial hit from losing a customer he'll probably pay you Stop
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