"Across the Spider-Verse: A Visually Dazzling Multiverse Adventure Exploring the Meaning of Being a Superhero"

Movie Review: Across the Spider-Verse - A Visually Dazzling Multiverse Adventure

The 2018 animated film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, was a groundbreaking film that introduced us to the multiverse. It had an emotionally charged story, and a frenetic style that felt new and fresh. The first of two sequels, Across the Spider-Verse, takes place just over a year after the first film and follows Miles Morales, who is now comfortable and confident as his universe's sole Spider-Man.

Miles is thrown into a multidimensional adventure, filled with different spider-people, after Spider-Gwen comes to visit and inadvertently leads him through the multiverse to stop a supervillain. The film is visually dazzling, with each spider-person having their own unique animation style. However, it can be overwhelming at times, with too much happening on screen.

Despite this, Across the Spider-Verse manages to answer what it means to be a superhero, specifically Spider-Man, before boldly challenging it again. It's a bold film that sets a high bar for sequels and animation as a whole.

While not perfect, the film is a creative and pioneering work of animation that is a must-see for fans of the Spider-Verse. Its mesmerizing score, artistry, and performances make it a standout film in the multiverse genre.

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