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If you are a parent in Oregon with an open CPS case, it can be challenging to ensure the safety of your children when dealing with a difficult ex-partner. In this article, we'll discuss some strategies to protect your kids and navigate the legal system.
Firstly, if you have concerns about your ex's ability to operate a vehicle or take care of your children due to medication or other issues, it's important to report these to CPS and your lawyer. You may need to file a motion for supervised visitation or an Immediate Danger order if you believe your children are in danger.
However, keep in mind that these orders may be denied by the judge if there isn't enough evidence of immediate danger. In such cases, CPS may need to get further involved and show up to court with you.
If your ex is homeless or you're unsure where your children will be staying during their parenting time, it's crucial to communicate with him and ask for an address. If he is unresponsive or uncooperative, you may need to file a status quo order to prevent him from having parenting time until the next court hearing.
One way to ensure your children's safety during parenting time is to provide them with cell phones for emergencies. You can set boundaries with your ex about phone usage and encourage your children to use the phones openly. This may deter your ex from engaging in domestic violence or other harmful behavior if he knows that your children can take pictures or record video and audio.
Remember, it's essential to work with CPS and your lawyer to protect your children's well-being. Don't hesitate to file motions or orders if necessary, but also try to maintain open communication with your ex to minimize conflict and ensure the best possible outcome for your children.